Thursday 15 November 2012

To eat a good plate of meal

To eat a good plate of meal shows the different types of food we need to eat – and in what proportions – to have a good balanced and healthy food.

It is a good idea to try to get this balance right each day, but you don't need to do it at every meal.

 And you might find it easier to get the balance right over a longer period, say a week.
Eating healthily is about about eating the right amount of diet for your energy which your body needs.

 In England, most adults are either over weight or obese. 

This means many of us are eating more than we need, and should eat and drink fewer calories in order to lose their weight.

Based on the eat good  plate, you should try to eat, Plenty of fruit and vegetables
Did you know that we should be eating at least five portions of a variety of fruit and veg daily.
More on five per day portions of fruit and vegetables,Plenty of potatoes, bread, rice, pasta 
and other starchy things.

Choose wholegrain varieties whenever you can add starchy foods,some milk and dairy foods,More on milk and dairy foods some meat, fish, eggs, beans
and other non-dairy sources of protein.

Eat good plate applies to most people – whether they are a healthy weight or overweight, whether they eat meat or are vegetarian, and no matter what their ethnic origin.

Furthermore, it does not apply to children under the age of 2 because they have different nutritional needs.
 In the ages of 2 and 5, children should gradually move to eating the same foods as the rest of the family, in the proportions shown on the eat  well plate.

 Find out more in Feeding your baby and Weaning and beyond in the Birth to five guide.

Anyone with special dietary requirements or medical needs might want to check with a registered dietitian whether the eat good plate applies to them.

How lucky we are for all these healthy advises  my grand mother never had it and she only lived until she was 88 and could still bend and touch her toes, walk, run , she can do house chores very well and live life to the full.

 Perhaps we should look backwards before obesity and diabetes and other diseases plagues to what her generation ate all those things we have banned from as unhealthy mainly.

 Goodness knows how humanity existed until commercially backed food science came to our help and our rescue.

Perhaps medical science could focus on actually curing ailments instead of making many millions simply treating the symptoms.

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